State of Wisconsin

Department of Financial Institutions

Payment system outage planned for Sunday, July 7 from 2 AM thru 7 AM, due to scheduled maintenance.

Search Corporate Records

Search Tips

Also: Search | Advanced Search | Name Availability

Overall Search Strategies

Start by typing the name of the entity you are searching for - excluding the ending such as LLC or Corp. If that doesn't work, broaden your search by removing some of the words or phrases from your search.

This new search is different than the old alphasort search. This new search is more like a standard web search - unlike alphasort which required a conversion of numbers to words and the removal of inconsequential words.

Example: If you are searching for the entity 201 W. WASHINGTON AVE, LLC, then simply enter the search phrase of 201 W. WASHINGTON AVE. Unlike alphasort, the new search is less dependent on the exact format of your search phrase.

Too Many Results

If your search phrase returns too many results, add to the search phrase. Common name parts (such as "american") can match with hundreds of records and our system will not return all matches.

Not Enough Results

First, check your spelling. Then, remove some words - the fewer words you use, the more "hits" you will likely receive.

Try the advanced search. You can limit your search results by entity type and formation date. The advanced search also has "starts with" and "all words" searches which may help focus the results.

Registered Agent Names

Current Names Only

Only current Registered Agent names are searched.

Names Entered Exactly

A Registered Agent name is entered to the database exactly as it appears on the document submitted for filing. The name is searched by exactly what you enter for a search name. Try variations of a name. For example:

John F. Doe
John Doe
Johnny Doe

Compound Names Require Precision

When individual surnames are compounded with prefixes, such as D', Mc, O', San, Van, Van Der or Von check names using the apostrophe and/or the space, and also without spaces or apostrophes.


Due to the variety of ways an individual might enter his/her name as Registered Agent, the Department notifies you that your search results may not be all-inclusive.