State of Wisconsin

Department of Financial Institutions

Certificate of Revocation

The Organization was previously served by the department with a notice of Determination of Grounds for revocation of its Certificate of Authority or Registration to transact business in Wisconsin, but has failed, within the time set by such notice, to correct the stated grounds for Revocation or to satisfy the department that such grounds do not exist.

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, pursuant to sec. 178.10102, sec. 179.10102, sec. 180.1531, sec. 181.1531, or sec. 183.09102 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the Department hereby revokes the Certificate of Authority or Registration of the Organization to transact business in this state on the grounds that it:
Pursuant to Statute, you are hereby notified that your authority to transact business in Wisconsin was terminated by the foregoing revocation of your Certificate of Authority or Registration.

Org IDOrganization Name
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