State of Wisconsin

Department of Financial Institutions

Service Status

Apostilles Notary Public and Trademarks 
Branch Office Online 
Call Report Submission 
Corporation Annual Reports 
Corporation Certificates of Status 
Corporation Formation 
Corporation Search 
Fee Calculator 
Franchise E-Filing 
Franchise Search 
Homeowners Association Search 
ICE Berg 
Licensee Search

Please search for a Wisconsin Adjustment Service Company, Payday Lender, Sales Finance Company or Money Transmitter using NMLS Consumer Access. The loan companies, collection agencies, currency exchanges, and insurance premium finance companies are in the process of transitioning their license to NMLS. If the results of your search below do not identify the company or location you are searching for, continue your search using NMLS Consumer Access.

Notary Filing

Please visit our new portal WDFI-Notary Forms

Notary Online Web 
Notary Search 
Notary Search for CCAP 
Notary Technology Provider 
Notary Tutorial 
Online Complaint System 
Online Order System 
Securities Search 
Shopping Cart Application 

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