Checkout FAQ
Is there an overview of the checkout process?
Yes. Click here to see an overview of the checkout
You can place multiple filings in your cart before checking out. When you are ready
to pay for your filings, click the Proceed to Checkout button and submit
your payment. After payment is accepted, you will be taken to a confirmation page
where links to the printer friendly versions of your submitted filings will be displayed.
What date is used for filings in my cart?
Your UCC Statements will be effective as of the date and time you submit payment.
Notary applications will receive a commission date after all required documents
and payment are submitted. The commission date is not based solely on the date the
payment is submitted.
If you have multiple filings in your cart, they will all have effective dates at
the time you pay, not the time they are created.
Can I save the confirmation page for later reference?
Yes, you can bookmark the page. This page is a record of your order and you can
come back to it in the future by using either the bookmark you create or with the
link we send in the confirmation e-mail.
How do I reduce the number of confirmation e-mails?
You will receive a confirmation email for each filing. If you would like to eliminate
these emails from your inbox, you can setup an e-mail rule with your e-mail software.
Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes are both capable of automatically filtering these
confirmation e-mails.
Look to the documentation of your e-mail program for more help in setting up mail
rules. Our confirmation e-mails have the same subject lines to help you easily filter
these e-mails.
Can I see the filing summary after I put it in a cart?
Yes. The item is linked (the blue text). Click on this link to see the summary of
information for this filing.
Where do I see the copies of the filings after I have
After you successfully submitted payment, a confirmation page will be displayed.
The links for the printer friendly copies are in the same location as the links
to the summary information. See above.
Why has the checkout process changed?
The new checkout process allows you to create multiple filings and only have to
enter payment information once. Also, the confirmation pages can be saved for future
Are credit card numbers stored on DFI servers?
We do not store credit card numbers on our servers unless specifically authorized
by the card owner through acceptance of a user agreement.