State of Wisconsin

Department of Financial Institutions

Annual Report ID Lookup

Entity Information
ID: L049343
Date Organized: 7/8/2011
Status: DLQ - Delinquent
Registered Agent: KHITAM SHAHIN
Registered Agent Address: 5375 S 24TH ST
MILWAUKEE, WI 53221-3759

Start your filing

Fraudulent Filing Notice: It is a Class I felony in Wisconsin for a person to knowingly file a false corporate document if the person intends that document to be filed or delivered to the Department of Financial Institutions. The Department reports fraudulent filings to the Department of Justice or local district attorneys for criminal prosecution. See Wis. Stat. sections 178.0120 (4), 180.0129, 181.0129, and 185.825.

You are being re-directed to the One Stop Business Portal to complete your annual report

As of January 2017, all annual reports for Domestic Corporations and Limited Liability Companies must be filed thru the portal.
As of August 28, 2019, the URL for the One Stop Business Portal has changed. When you are re-directed to the portal, the URL will be This will not change anything about the website or the filing process.
If you are not automatically re-directed, you can click the button below to access the site: