In order to aid in understanding the search results, below is a list of abbreviations
that may appear in the filing names:
- TR is an abbreviation for TRUST
- CO is an abbreviation for COMPANY, COMPANIES
- CORP is an abbreviation for CORPORATION
- INC is an abbreviation for INCORPORATED
- LTD is an abbreviation for LIMITED
- LP is an abbreviation for LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, or L.P., etc
- PLC is an abbreviation for PUBLIC LIMITED CORPORATION
- PC is an abbreviation for PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION
- ST is an abbreviation for SAINT, SAINTS
- SC is an abbreviation for SERVICE CORPORATION
- TX EX is an abbreviation for TAX EXEMPT, TAX-EXEMPT
- & is an abbreviation for AND
Arabic Numbers (0,1,2,3,etc) replace Roman Numerals and numbers that are spelled
out, e.g. ‘one, two, three’
Also, if you are searching for filing names that include the first and last name
of a person, your search term should be entered as LastName FirstName. For example,
enter Benjamin Franklin Fund as Franklin Benjamin Fund.
NOTE: as of October 3, 2018 DFI stopped implementing these naming conventions – going forward, all filings appear exactly as received. However, the above naming conventions may prove helpful when searching for filings received prior to October 2018.